Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I just left campus. There was a refugee setup on the quad. In an effort to raise awareness of the Refugees around the world.

Some students are spending the night in tents. It was a great experience.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Update on the Trades

It has been a while. Yes. I have been up to a lot. I am still trying to figure out what trade(s) I should master. I am not any closer, but I am learning A LOT more about myself. Facing the truth about who I am. Learning about my family history. I have learned that the apple did not fall far from the tree in terms of my "Jack/Jill of all tradeism."

I am happy where I am now and prayerfully this joy will remain in the future. As I grow an learn I will continue to share. So far. The Jill of all trades continues.


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Sunday, April 4, 2010


April Fools day has come and gone. Didn't we just celebrate 2010? This world spins oh so fast. Spring break came for a visit but now it had disappeared into 2011. Here I lay. I took a nap earlier today. Very energizing. Compensation for the energy spent eating the wonderfully tasty food after Resurrection services. The Roti was special. Black cake at 11pm. Thoughts of the remaining Bacalao on the refridgerator. It is 1am! My room is giving me a preview of the upcoming summer heatwaves. Window cracked open. Hope the neighbor does not see me. She should be asleep anyway. Not giving it a second thought. Need to promote cross ventillation. Open room door. Thoughts of that remaining Bacalao. It's 1am!

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