Sunday, May 2, 2010

Time for Church

Sunday Morning 9am,

I am about to leave for church. I have to do the videography. I don't mind. I am happy to serve in that way. A friend of my friend got into a car accident yesterday. Praise God, he pulled through. I am happy. I hope that I accomplish much today, one cannot imagine how long my list of TTD (Things To Do) is. I would be such a happy camper if I could accomplish ALL. I will keep you posted though. 1st thing...complete the re-decoration of my room 8^)!

Hope that you have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I just left campus. There was a refugee setup on the quad. In an effort to raise awareness of the Refugees around the world.

Some students are spending the night in tents. It was a great experience.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Update on the Trades

It has been a while. Yes. I have been up to a lot. I am still trying to figure out what trade(s) I should master. I am not any closer, but I am learning A LOT more about myself. Facing the truth about who I am. Learning about my family history. I have learned that the apple did not fall far from the tree in terms of my "Jack/Jill of all tradeism."

I am happy where I am now and prayerfully this joy will remain in the future. As I grow an learn I will continue to share. So far. The Jill of all trades continues.


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Sunday, April 4, 2010


April Fools day has come and gone. Didn't we just celebrate 2010? This world spins oh so fast. Spring break came for a visit but now it had disappeared into 2011. Here I lay. I took a nap earlier today. Very energizing. Compensation for the energy spent eating the wonderfully tasty food after Resurrection services. The Roti was special. Black cake at 11pm. Thoughts of the remaining Bacalao on the refridgerator. It is 1am! My room is giving me a preview of the upcoming summer heatwaves. Window cracked open. Hope the neighbor does not see me. She should be asleep anyway. Not giving it a second thought. Need to promote cross ventillation. Open room door. Thoughts of that remaining Bacalao. It's 1am!

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Gucci things, diamond rings bling cards with no limits ching ching...I like to be spoiled!

I can't take the credit for coming up with that. However I surely can give the credit to "Gossyp" sister singer/songwritter duo, Adina and Amina. They are slated to release their album this year and are giving away a free download on their site:

Their music is catchy "poppy" and they are most definitely certified hits. Check them out. You will have links to their Facebook page and many more music samples from their site.

What woman doesn't like to be spoiled? ;-)

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Monday, March 29, 2010


So I opened a fashion jewelry store online a few years back. I could not keep in afloat because I was working and going to school fulltime.

Today, I got a Facebook update that showed that I was still getting followers for the company. This is very encouraging to me. It could only mean one thing. Time for me to re-launch.

For the next few weeks I will get my inventory together, take photos and get it together.

The difference between simplyJaysmar -Jewelry and this line is reflected in the price. The stones and metals used in the line are not semi-precious or precious. This constituted to having more affordable yet fashionable jewelry. I am happy about it. Will keep you posted. ;-)

Have a wonderful day.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So I initially started this page because well, I did not know which talent would be my strong suit. After having a heart to heart with my father, I discovered that he too has the smar traits as I do! Or should I say I "inherited" this Jack of all "tradism" from him?

Nevertheless, I have decided well hey, if I have all these "trades" why should I be forced to choose? So choose I will not. Yesterday I opened up my little Etsy shop under the name "simplyJaysmar." I have been registered under that name for a while but never opened up a shop. So yesterday was the day. I added one item and before class today I just completed a pair of hematite and crystal earrings. I will photograph and add them when I get back.

So here it is.

I will add more items as I continue to make them. Feel free to visit and see what I am up to.

Hey maybe you can tell me what trades I should not bother with and which ones I should keep. :-)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Updates Smupdates

So recently my computer got infected by a "rouge" (you don't want one, so annoying). At the end of the day, I had to restore my computere -_-. Now today, I am trying to upload a site from dreamweaver to the host and of course, Microsoft interfere's with it's nonsense. Hotfix issues, updates lacking, all that mumbo jumbo.

So I pretty much cannot run any programs while these updates are going on, but did  not want to just sit here, so I ran I.E. and here I am blogging about it. *giggles* ahhhh...well, this one is short. Oh, check out the update that I posted to my last entry.

By the way, I think I am getting closer to figuring out which trade I would like to master. I will write about that later, I'm getting a prompt to restart right now. Vote on my poll to the right...if you do not know what I'm talking about, then read the first blog entry, it states the purpose of this blog, a pupose that is ever evolving...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mass Transit

So mass transit is essential. The bus and train routes can be viewed as the veins and arteries of the city. They help to decrease air pollution among a host of other positives that can be associated with the utilization of mass transit. However, when time is of the essence to you, mass transit can easily become a mass waste of time. Therefore, I drive to a lot of the places in an effort to save time.
That's my point. Saving time. So you can see why I am now met with a healthy dose of frustration.

Why, have I, been sitting in my car for what is about to be an hour, waiting, circling and lurking all in an effort to find a parking spot!

I have waited long on campus for parking but this wait time today it is an unprecedented. Why do I not have a parking decal you ask? Well, my college has such a limited amount of available parking that the opportunity to purchase a decal (which costs a little more than $200), is granted by way of lottery. A lottery that does not apply to a select majority, which leaves a minimal amount of available parking spots to be "lotteried."

Maybe, just maybe I am better off taking two buses to class with a commute of around an hour. At least I know that when I get to campus, I will not be teased by it's proximity and inaccessibility.

Hmm...maybe when it's warmer.

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****Update**** ****Update**** ****Update****

So the next day, I left my house early! Ok, not like too early, but early enough. Now "lo and behold", the same parking issue was already underway!

I forgot to mention how grimy people find it appropriate to slip in and take a spot that the KNOW you were waiting for, with indicators and reverse lights on! I have simply accepted that this is a test of my temperament and choose to pass.

However, this is the part that stings.

After circling around for almost an hour (no exaggeration), I pulled up next to a car and was waiting to see if there was anyone leaving from the main gate (in order to get their spot when they leave). Then "woop woop" this cop car cuts me off, the woman jumps out of the passenger side of the car, with ticket gun in hand walking up to my window! Needless to say I was startled, I mean this looked like a scene straight out of COPS! I started moving forward (since my car was still running) while telling her, "ok mam, I'm leaving." She proceeded to ignore me,  so I'm like "are you serious?" She said, "yes I am." lol...all I could do is laugh. Dirty shame. Dirty dirty shame...she went to the car, got me a beautiful orange envelope and handed me my freshly printed ticket. "TELL HER WHAT SHE'S WON BOB:" I won a beautiful  $115.00 ticket! yay!..not really. What was the offense, "double parked" with her comments below: "sitter   no activity" The nerve!

Do not tell me that traffic officers do not have a quota to meet, because that was "quota meeting" movement. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is the definition of parked. Seemingly, she overlooked that definition in her entrance examinations. Oh...believe you me, I will be pleading "not guilty" to this ticket and I have pictures of the "scene". The worst part is, she continued on, and did the same "cut em off" move to someone else about a hundred feet ahead of me...tisk tisk tisk. "What we won't do to give a ticket."

I'll still be waiting until the weather warms up before I take the bus to is just too cold for all that. Hopefully I don't find another reason to drive by the time spring is in full bloom ;-).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I have a horrible headache. I have been up for a very long time. Now it is time for bed. I have been giving my career choices bit if thought. I will share in a few hours Lord willing. Nite nite.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

That heartwarming feeling.

I had fun last night... I don't mean the 5th, I totally mean the 6th.

Danta's having a baby! I had an absolute ball taking photos at her shower! It was downright fun and let's not mention how much I enjoyed seeing so many people and faces that I have not seen in FOREVER! I feel warm and gushy inside and you know what, I like that feelings.

I pray that Danta gives birth to a healthy baby girl with all her fingers and all her toes. :-)

Signing out. I'm pooped.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nail Transition

So maybe you have heard of transitioning hair. If not, then I'll explain. Many people consider transitioning hair to be the period in which your hair goes from a chemically altered state and is being "grown" into it's natural state.

This may be going from a bottle blonde to your real red haired color. Or going from a permed state to your natural curls, or natural straightness (depends on hair texture and type of perm one has applied).

Well today, Is the first day since I have decided to "go natural" with my nails. But wait, hold the applause or the disapproals, I am not going completely natural. I like trying different types if nail polish and designs so that will be continued. What I am "quitting" is the use if silk/acrylic/gel wraps.

In short, this is when an artificial layer of protection is applied on top of your nail (not nail extensions). The problem is that these procedures leave your nail thin and brittle.

So today I have decided to "go natural" - in a semi-natural way.

Now, there was a recent establishment of a nail salon near my home. I decided to give it a try. Ladies and Gents. Exhibit A is photographed below.

I call that exhibit HOT MESS. This is what a quazi professional manicure looks like. She probably did not know that I would post this to my blog. The point is that whenever you do something, it's always good practice to do it well! I will not give the name of the salon. I mean everyone has a bad day, but you could bet that I will not be a return customer.

So. This is my first update of many. I just joined the following of this blog about nails. I love the authors content. I will share the link when I get to a computer. Until then, toodles.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time to change the body clock.

If I could walk on water, If I could tell you what's next, make you believe, make you forget...

I did bit even know that I had that song on my iPhone. I must have gotten it when it was a free iTunes download. Sing sha-la-la-la.

It's official. My sleeping schedule is officially out of whack. I go to bed late wake up late. How about early to be early to rise? My body has forgotten what that means.

Good thing is that I am tired now. So sign out I will and to you I bid ado. Ado.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

I Know Better!

It is 3:29am, New York Time....errr.. Eastern Time....yeah. Why oh, why am I still up!

I just can't fall asleep. Maybe I should force myself to sleep at this point because I have a long day tomorrow Lord willing. I mean I have back to back meetings at 10 and 11 am in the city, which means at least 1 hour travel time, so that puts me at leaving the house at 8:45am, not to mention that I have to get ready...we'll just say it takes me an hour ;-)

So the countdown begins. Counting a one hour travel time (and I'm being a bit of a miser with this time estimation), that puts me at 7:45am, and I'm not the type to hear an alarm and just pop out of bed, oh no no no...

So that means my 1st alarm is going off at like 6:30...then the second at 6:45, then the third at 7:00 then the last at 7:15, so by 7:30 I'll be about annoyed enough to roll over, only to be overcome by gratitude for the blessing of life for another day, then begin to say my morning prayers.

So there we have it...6:30 is the mark, so why oh why am I still up at...3:37am!
It's not like I just have the back to back meetings and then I'm free to be...oh no. I have to leave Lexington, and find my way to 34th & 9th, make a transaction at B&H, then go back to Queens (after stopping by and visiting my sister, I mean she works on the same block as B&H, it would not be sisterly of me to just not stop by).  So yes, back to Queens to pick up my car, tripod etc. then off to the Bronx, for choir rehearsal, then to do video recording at a Skills For Life Int. seminar, which is scheduled to end at around 10pm. To drive back home for the night. if it were a beautiful summer day I don't think I'd be much of a bellyacher, but NOOOOOOO... we had to have a sloppy snowfall today errr...yesterday, didn't we! That means a beautiful time for me, skating everywhere I need to go in the concrete jungle I live in. Heh, I'll tell you what though...this little miss right here is surely wearing those good ol' rainboots, yes siry Bob!

Ah, I digress a lot don't I...well back to the point at hand. It is now 3:45am, I start getting up at let me do some math...give me a hours and change...loose change at that. Good thing I'm writing today's blog now, but I need to get to bed.

Hugs and kisses and all the best wishes, until next time by God's grace, have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever

And I'm not talking about Sister Souljah (sorry didn't read the book either). I'm talking about this mess of a winter that has been going around. I don't know about anyone else, but the time for singing "Let It Snow" was a two months ago, so please let me know who is still singing it! Well, I got caught, being lazy, who else to blame for this but myself.

So I was getting ready to leave the house, and my father said, "be careful out there" I responded, "is it raining" (keep in mind snow is not an option to me at this point), he said "yes."

I walk down the stairs, and come to the front door. I look down at my AirMax sneakers, then I look at my Rainboots. I look back at the sneakers, then I look again at the boots. "AirMax's" hee hee hee...yes, I sure saved some energy right there. Just slip on my sneakers, tuck the laces in and out the door. I mean what's a little rain right?


Here I was driving, then slowing, I noticed a little more, solidity in the rain...ok, just a little sleet, no biggie. No biggie that was until I got out of the car and "discovered" that sleet, plus sidewalks and AirMax sneakers don't go well together. Here I was taking baby steps all over campus from one building to the next while others zoomed past me with the fancy shmancy rainboots on. Tisk tisk tisk. A split second of laziness has caused me a day of babysteps.

Needless to mention, that as things may go, I am sitting in the computer lab starring out of the only window with the blinds open, to see that it has become quite the winter wonderland outside!

So yes, it is the coldest winter ever, but not in terms of temperature, instead in terms of spirit. This winter is simply mean, toying with emotions, and just being cold in an unwarranted way.

To think that someone right now is on a beach somewhere frolicking around in the water. Ahhh...dreams...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm out of time and only got 8 minutes, preckyprecky 8 minutes..

Lol..well it's seven now. I just realized that I did not leave a post today, can't have that. By the way, that "preckyprecky" thing, is the noise a dj makes when he scratches a record. So say that title to the beat of that Madonna, Justin, and Timbaland song. 4 minutes. Ironically that's how much time I have left now to complete this post...ehhh...I'll pause and post here. If I re-edit later, it will still count for today. ;-) Ayyyy that's not cheating, it's just understanding the system and making it work baby. Ok two minutes too close...Toodles.


Monday, February 22, 2010


I had a photo shoot last night, it was fun, tiring, and let me tell you I had a pretty rough time with lighting, between an outlet that was on the blink, and one of my lights having a circuitry problem, well, I had to do a little improvisation. However, the important thing is that I got the job done. for the post shoot touch ups. Yes, the post shoot touch ups. I stumbled across some SOOC extremists, who were bragging about their skill level and sticking their nose down on people who do post editing. To them I say, "time for recess." Now, here's my thing. If you are strictly a SOOC type of person then good for you! I also do SOOC at times, but it truly depends on the nature of the shot. Imagine doing a shoot of a fashion ad campaign, without any post editing. Ha. Does that mean that the photographer is any less of a photographer because he/she chose to have their shots edited? Certainly not.

People tout about the days of film when you had to be careful what you shot etc. Yes, true it would get quite costly (thank God for digital), but far be it from anyone to insinuate that there was not editing done in the days of film, that would be totally rubbish and journeys away from the truth.

Granted there are people who use Ps and the like as crutches, truth be told, some people should get recognized more-so for their photo manipulation ability as opposed to their photography skill level. But dare I say that their work either SOOC or manipulated, is not worthy of being called a photograph? No.

See, my chief belief is that art is an expression. If someone shoots something that seems just so out of alignment, aesthetically unpleasing, am I going to say their work is unworthy of recognition? No. Today, there are different arenas for everything, and I love an enjoy the privileges of that.

So, if the SOOC extremists prompted anything other than this post, they prompted this, the inspiration for me to design a few graphic T's about the subject. Once, I'm done doing so, I'll post a follow-up post with the results.

Other than that, thank you for spending this moment in your life to read this, and have a blessed day.

Nine Hour, Four Minute Delay

So it seems that I am nine hours and four minutes late for yesterdays post. Here I am today, could this post count for yesterdays? 'Tis a pity that it can't. Nonetheless I  write. 

I have just finished viewing "Sleuth" I have tried to watch it for two nights now, but the sandman kept giving me early visits. So this morning I decided to finish off the job. 

I should have known that this movie would end the way that it did. Am I upset? No. Not at all. I enjoyed the chase. There are few things that I loathe as I do, predictable movies. Predictable movies, where I can read the intentions of the characters, and unravel the plot and conclusion before the movie is well midway. So yes, " I appreciate" this movie, indeed. So diabolical. Anywhooooo....

I suppose I could start this next topic in another post....

Saturday, February 20, 2010


An unscheduled hiatus indeed, but in my mind I have written many a post. Brahhhaaaa that I have  not been utilizing my iPhone app to post messages. Even if it is to write one paragraph, I must discipline myself by coming and sharing at least once every two days.

Well there it is.

What have I been up too?

Well for starters I had a little adventure on Wednesday.

So I had a marketing seminar in the city (Manhattan) at 6pm on Wednesday, but I also had another engagement in Queens that I could not leave until 4:30pm.  So here were my choices, drive to the city and keep driving all night because parking near Lexington is a nightmare, or pretty penny. So that was not an option. I have better things to do with lets see...$100 (that's how much parking would have cost for the time I needed). So I decided to be a little ingenious, ha.

I drove to the 59th Street Bridge. Found parking in the area, and decided to hop on the W train for like 2 stops, and tada....Lexington here I come!

Well...I was not informed that the downtown line of the W train could be likened to a rollercoaster ride, specifically at the part where it is approacing the bridge. This train took a wicked turn I mean, I'm looking out the window and not even a railing was visible, Just the street some 40 feet below!

Ay mamcita, suddenly the ads plastered all over the walls of the train were of special interest to me (it was either that or closing my eyes). My thing is, when I go to an amusement park, and choose to go on a roller coaster ride, I know what I am signing up for, yes I have been on trains that go around bends before(i,e, the 6 train en route to Parkchester), but something about this no no.

So what did I learn from this. Don't book a seminar in the city so close to another engagement in Queens, that way you can avoid taking the W train! :-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A New Look for MSN

Literally one minute ago, I opened up explorer and saw the regular, "blue" themed MSN home page. I closed out, then came back on again ( I forgot to do something) only to be pleasantly surprised by the "new look of MSN's homepage.

I even notice a subtle update to the logo. I like the direction that it is going. Granted, I am a bit used to the blue and the white/greyish color is a bit drastic of a change, but I am loving the progress. I just hope that its not final. It's not quite "there" yet.

Change is good though, change is good.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


So I saw Avatar again. I cannot understand why parents would bring their children to see this movie? Aside from it being heavily loaded with subliminal messages, it is a pretty violent movie, and with it being 3D that does not help at all.

In the theater, there was a little girl who would cry for parts of the movie, understandably so yet even then, her parents/guardians felt it quite appropriate to keep her in that environment.

Being an adult I would hope that I am able to detect and refute value or spiritual systems that are contrary to my beliefs. However, children may not be developmentally astute enough to make the decision to refute the subtle yet complex systems expressed in Avatar . Entertaining yes, child safe, no.

Now, "Avatar: The Last Airbender", that I await.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So Much to Visit

I saw Avatar.
Yes. It is good.

Hopefully, I will see it again, soon.

I was on my way home from the Bronx. On the highway, dusk had already danced its way across the sky. Then suddenly, I started, I started looking at my surroundings with new eyes. As if I had not seen it before. As if I was seeing it for the first time. A new experience. I must admit that it was quite refreshing. I've tried before, to see things with new eyes, and until then had failed. It is, as I had suspected, a method in which appreciation of the complex simplicity of life could be measured.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hope for Haiti

I am not sure what coverage is like for other cable networks, but  Time Warner Cable, is airing the "Hope for Haiti" campaign on all major channels (ie. mtv, bet, vh1, and all local channels)

For more information please visit:

As an added bonus if you missed it, here is footage of Beyonce singing another rendition of "Halo" for Haiti.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too Late for Louisiana?

Millions of dollars have been collected to help bring relief to the earthquake victims of Haiti. A lot of the money collected came from everyday people with cellphones. As I mentioned in a previous post, the Red Cross among other reputable foundations set up electronic ways of making easy donations to the cause. This to me has been an effecient use of technology to help those in need.

I have been wondering though. Is it too late to partake in a similar cause for Louisiana? Hurricane Katrina ravaged the state and I'm not here to discuss what wasn't done or what could have been done, who dropped the ball and who did not. I want to point out that, well, there is still work that CAN be done. Life is not anywhere near normal for the people who lost their homes and loved ones in Katrina. Is it too late for American Citizens to rally up and help their own citizens? Is it too late to help rebuild Louisiana?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sims 3 for iPhone: "Jane" of all trades.

Ok, so I may be late on the Bandwagon here, but I recently downloaded Sims 3 for the iPhone. I played Sim City on my other cell and loved it, and was thrilled to see this in the App Store when I did a basic search.

Of course I was thrilled to see a "Jack of all Trades" availability on the personality traits of the SIM, and yes, this is what I selected as the trait of my first character. I started "re-creating myself" if you will, but then thought..eeehhhh maybe not. One me is enough for the real world and simulated ones.

I've been playing the game for about a month now, or close to it, and have learned a few tips and to speak, and I guess I'll just share it with the world.

Tips for making Money
One thing a SIM needs is cash. That's how you get the nice house, the tricked out appliances the car etc.

First, get a job. Depending on the job you get, you will have different bosses. Get to know your boss. ;-) If you have a relationship with the boss, and ask for a raise, they will tell you why you cannot get the raise, which will give you something to strive for. Once you do what they recommend, you can get that raise which means more money for you. You can get automatic raises by spending time on the job. Just keep working and the raise will come. Please, resist temptation, don't take any widgets from work.

If you are working in the Town Hall, the highest level you can achieve is "Vice President" this level comes after "Mayor." The most money you can make there is $300 a day. Peanuts right, right.

This is where you must start getting a side hustle.

As soon as you have enough money to purchase a fishing kit, do so!

Fish your little heart out, because that's a quick way to stack up the cash.

When you maxed on on a few categories of fish, go to the "Quik Mart" scroll down to the bottom where you see all the fish you have in stock, then hit the (-)minus button. This is how you sell your fish to the "Quik Mart" and this is how you can make a grand easilly afterwork.  The good thing is that people come to visit so your social bar stays up.

When selling your fish, try to keep at least one "trout." If dear old Walter comes up to visit, he will cut you an offer you cannot refuse. He has the angling trait and will give you $200 for a trout. A trout would normally go for about $50. So save one, just in case. Or save one, go to his house and chat it up about fishing until he give you that offer.

I'll add more to this post, there is so much more to share, so I'll add it bit by bit. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nickel Free

I just got a sale on Etsy, but this one was a little interesting. I created these owl earrings and the customer wanted to know if they were "Nickel Free" shamefully, I did not know. I contacted the supply store from which I purchased my findings, and they did not know either!

Highly upsetting. This compelled me to make a few calls, troll the net, in order to find nickel free findings that would match the brass toned earrings that I made. After my searching, I found silver and gold toned nickel free findings but not brass toned. My customer was more than understanding, she still wanted to purchase the piece with the silver toned nickel free earring hooks.

You live, and learn. I guess now I could start bumbling with the creation of a new line of nickle free/hypoallergenic products. It would be upsetting to be limited in choice of jewelry designs because of allergies. So, I'll do my part in broadening the availablities.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I felt a little expressive

So tonight I got out my digi paintbrush and this came out...

variations of love

How to Help Haiti's Earthquake Victims?

Just incase you did not hear about it. There was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti on Jan 12th 2010. Needless to say that it has devastated the capital of Haiti and there are thousands of people in need of help, and supplies.

Sadly, we have to deal with a maladaptive human condition apparent in some. The condition that I speak of, is scamming. Please please please use caution when donating to various organizations in the name of Haiti. There is reputable information about helping victims on the White House Website:

The White Haiti Relief Page

The most popular way of giving aid has been through the use of cell phones.

Donate $10 to the Red Cross to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."
Donate $5 to Wyclef Jean's Yele Haiti orgranization to be also charged to your cell phone bill by texting "Yele" to 501501

Use any of the reputable resources above to help find more information on helping the relief effort in Haiti.

So many times I stumble across these great craft, diy sites...

I figured why not share?

So If you want to make a necklace and have no idea where to begin, for starters you could look it up on Youtube. I'll jump start you with this great video below:

Of  course there are multiple levels of jewelry design, from basic to intense. This is a really basic example of a single stranded beaded necklace.

A great jewelry source for materials and tuts is: Auntie's Beads and Supplies

If you dabble in photography, want to know a little more about how to take better family pictures or are a pro looking for another pro's perspective, I have THE site for you. I mean, he's very descriptive and clear.  Ken Rockwell's Digital Photography

Now I know I'll be adding more sites here and there, but here's a starter list:

DIY - how to do anything, just type it in a search, tutorials will pop up. - this is great because its a community of crafters sharing and learning.

Online Storefront - of course well known for HANDMADE and or VINTAGE products only. $0.20 per item listing. Easily connectible to PayPal. - free, but great simple layout,  you'll be set up in no time, great alternative to eBay, did I mention that it's free? Only issue is that you have to get your own traffic, unlike eBay, if you do not advertise, then you're probably not going to get a lot of traffic. - the place to go for antiques, arts, collectibles and jewelry. If you're selling on there, then last time I checked, there was like a $70.00 set up fee + some.

I visit a lot of sites frequently because they have the good stuff. I'm not affiliated with any of theses sites, no one is paying me for anything, I'm just sharing sites that I think are worth sharing. There are a few more, I'll add them in later on. Do you have some sites that I should know about? If so please share. :-)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jill of all Trades - I want to master at least one!

Hello world,
Welcome to my blog. This is one of many, as I am a woman of many talents, as I have come to realize. No, this is not said in a boastful way, but in utter frustration. See this is my issue. I am seemingly a Jill of all trades by a master of zilch and being the anal person that I can be, well, that just does not cut it. I hope to explore all the likes and dislikes that I have and then hopefully I could come up with the one trade that I could be come the master of. So far, this is my list:

Graphic Design
Web Design
Logo Creation
Jewelry Design
Wire Wrapping
Arts & Craft
Paper Crafts
Hair Design

The List:

beaded necklaces
wire wrapped necklaces
beaded earrings
wire wrapped earrings
beaded braclets
wire wrapped pendants
wire wrapped rings
beaded rings
paper jewelry
feather jewelry

Paper Stuff
airplanes ;-)

Hair Accessories
feather fascinators
basic cocktail hat

Web Design
basic html sites
basic flash sites

Graphic Design
image consulting
photo editing
photo reconscruction
photo manipulation
logo design
flyer design
business cards
screen printing (dad and I built light-box, mostly him...hee hee hee)

Looming & Crocheting
kid blanket

Hair Design
sew in extensions
invisible weave technique
braid extensions
hair color
wash & deep conditioning
hair treatment therapy

dance lol
contemporary painting

fitness instructor
yoga instructor
water aerobics
weight lifting

macro (favorite)

I almost forgot:

resume development
10-line phone system management
real estate listing
loan processing

The reason for this extensive yet not exhaustive list is for me to get it all out of my head and on paper. As I remember more, I'll add to the list, but all of this gets quite exhausting. I am pulled in so many directions (as you can see) and I'm afraid if I do not select one talent that is going to stand out above the rest, then I'll be leading a life of utter frustration!

Needless to say that this overwhelming amount of choices has led to the creation of many sites and a few small businesses. But I will use this as a way for me to grow, learn and find out what exactly it is that I want to pursue. I do not plan on advertising my sites on here, not now at least. I want to know which one is going to be the strong-suit, which may take weeks, months, or however long. (preferably sooner than later, I mean I'm not Benjamin Button, I'm aging not "younging"). :-)

I hope to post examples of my work on here, and over time, hopefully I could see where my strengths are and where my weaknesses are. Hey, maybe you can help me figure it out. :-)

Stay tuned, bookmark me, follow me, re-visit.

Twitter: Jaysmar