Friday, February 26, 2010

I Know Better!

It is 3:29am, New York Time....errr.. Eastern Time....yeah. Why oh, why am I still up!

I just can't fall asleep. Maybe I should force myself to sleep at this point because I have a long day tomorrow Lord willing. I mean I have back to back meetings at 10 and 11 am in the city, which means at least 1 hour travel time, so that puts me at leaving the house at 8:45am, not to mention that I have to get ready...we'll just say it takes me an hour ;-)

So the countdown begins. Counting a one hour travel time (and I'm being a bit of a miser with this time estimation), that puts me at 7:45am, and I'm not the type to hear an alarm and just pop out of bed, oh no no no...

So that means my 1st alarm is going off at like 6:30...then the second at 6:45, then the third at 7:00 then the last at 7:15, so by 7:30 I'll be about annoyed enough to roll over, only to be overcome by gratitude for the blessing of life for another day, then begin to say my morning prayers.

So there we have it...6:30 is the mark, so why oh why am I still up at...3:37am!
It's not like I just have the back to back meetings and then I'm free to be...oh no. I have to leave Lexington, and find my way to 34th & 9th, make a transaction at B&H, then go back to Queens (after stopping by and visiting my sister, I mean she works on the same block as B&H, it would not be sisterly of me to just not stop by).  So yes, back to Queens to pick up my car, tripod etc. then off to the Bronx, for choir rehearsal, then to do video recording at a Skills For Life Int. seminar, which is scheduled to end at around 10pm. To drive back home for the night. if it were a beautiful summer day I don't think I'd be much of a bellyacher, but NOOOOOOO... we had to have a sloppy snowfall today errr...yesterday, didn't we! That means a beautiful time for me, skating everywhere I need to go in the concrete jungle I live in. Heh, I'll tell you what though...this little miss right here is surely wearing those good ol' rainboots, yes siry Bob!

Ah, I digress a lot don't I...well back to the point at hand. It is now 3:45am, I start getting up at let me do some math...give me a hours and change...loose change at that. Good thing I'm writing today's blog now, but I need to get to bed.

Hugs and kisses and all the best wishes, until next time by God's grace, have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever

And I'm not talking about Sister Souljah (sorry didn't read the book either). I'm talking about this mess of a winter that has been going around. I don't know about anyone else, but the time for singing "Let It Snow" was a two months ago, so please let me know who is still singing it! Well, I got caught, being lazy, who else to blame for this but myself.

So I was getting ready to leave the house, and my father said, "be careful out there" I responded, "is it raining" (keep in mind snow is not an option to me at this point), he said "yes."

I walk down the stairs, and come to the front door. I look down at my AirMax sneakers, then I look at my Rainboots. I look back at the sneakers, then I look again at the boots. "AirMax's" hee hee hee...yes, I sure saved some energy right there. Just slip on my sneakers, tuck the laces in and out the door. I mean what's a little rain right?


Here I was driving, then slowing, I noticed a little more, solidity in the rain...ok, just a little sleet, no biggie. No biggie that was until I got out of the car and "discovered" that sleet, plus sidewalks and AirMax sneakers don't go well together. Here I was taking baby steps all over campus from one building to the next while others zoomed past me with the fancy shmancy rainboots on. Tisk tisk tisk. A split second of laziness has caused me a day of babysteps.

Needless to mention, that as things may go, I am sitting in the computer lab starring out of the only window with the blinds open, to see that it has become quite the winter wonderland outside!

So yes, it is the coldest winter ever, but not in terms of temperature, instead in terms of spirit. This winter is simply mean, toying with emotions, and just being cold in an unwarranted way.

To think that someone right now is on a beach somewhere frolicking around in the water. Ahhh...dreams...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm out of time and only got 8 minutes, preckyprecky 8 minutes..

Lol..well it's seven now. I just realized that I did not leave a post today, can't have that. By the way, that "preckyprecky" thing, is the noise a dj makes when he scratches a record. So say that title to the beat of that Madonna, Justin, and Timbaland song. 4 minutes. Ironically that's how much time I have left now to complete this post...ehhh...I'll pause and post here. If I re-edit later, it will still count for today. ;-) Ayyyy that's not cheating, it's just understanding the system and making it work baby. Ok two minutes too close...Toodles.


Monday, February 22, 2010


I had a photo shoot last night, it was fun, tiring, and let me tell you I had a pretty rough time with lighting, between an outlet that was on the blink, and one of my lights having a circuitry problem, well, I had to do a little improvisation. However, the important thing is that I got the job done. for the post shoot touch ups. Yes, the post shoot touch ups. I stumbled across some SOOC extremists, who were bragging about their skill level and sticking their nose down on people who do post editing. To them I say, "time for recess." Now, here's my thing. If you are strictly a SOOC type of person then good for you! I also do SOOC at times, but it truly depends on the nature of the shot. Imagine doing a shoot of a fashion ad campaign, without any post editing. Ha. Does that mean that the photographer is any less of a photographer because he/she chose to have their shots edited? Certainly not.

People tout about the days of film when you had to be careful what you shot etc. Yes, true it would get quite costly (thank God for digital), but far be it from anyone to insinuate that there was not editing done in the days of film, that would be totally rubbish and journeys away from the truth.

Granted there are people who use Ps and the like as crutches, truth be told, some people should get recognized more-so for their photo manipulation ability as opposed to their photography skill level. But dare I say that their work either SOOC or manipulated, is not worthy of being called a photograph? No.

See, my chief belief is that art is an expression. If someone shoots something that seems just so out of alignment, aesthetically unpleasing, am I going to say their work is unworthy of recognition? No. Today, there are different arenas for everything, and I love an enjoy the privileges of that.

So, if the SOOC extremists prompted anything other than this post, they prompted this, the inspiration for me to design a few graphic T's about the subject. Once, I'm done doing so, I'll post a follow-up post with the results.

Other than that, thank you for spending this moment in your life to read this, and have a blessed day.

Nine Hour, Four Minute Delay

So it seems that I am nine hours and four minutes late for yesterdays post. Here I am today, could this post count for yesterdays? 'Tis a pity that it can't. Nonetheless I  write. 

I have just finished viewing "Sleuth" I have tried to watch it for two nights now, but the sandman kept giving me early visits. So this morning I decided to finish off the job. 

I should have known that this movie would end the way that it did. Am I upset? No. Not at all. I enjoyed the chase. There are few things that I loathe as I do, predictable movies. Predictable movies, where I can read the intentions of the characters, and unravel the plot and conclusion before the movie is well midway. So yes, " I appreciate" this movie, indeed. So diabolical. Anywhooooo....

I suppose I could start this next topic in another post....

Saturday, February 20, 2010


An unscheduled hiatus indeed, but in my mind I have written many a post. Brahhhaaaa that I have  not been utilizing my iPhone app to post messages. Even if it is to write one paragraph, I must discipline myself by coming and sharing at least once every two days.

Well there it is.

What have I been up too?

Well for starters I had a little adventure on Wednesday.

So I had a marketing seminar in the city (Manhattan) at 6pm on Wednesday, but I also had another engagement in Queens that I could not leave until 4:30pm.  So here were my choices, drive to the city and keep driving all night because parking near Lexington is a nightmare, or pretty penny. So that was not an option. I have better things to do with lets see...$100 (that's how much parking would have cost for the time I needed). So I decided to be a little ingenious, ha.

I drove to the 59th Street Bridge. Found parking in the area, and decided to hop on the W train for like 2 stops, and tada....Lexington here I come!

Well...I was not informed that the downtown line of the W train could be likened to a rollercoaster ride, specifically at the part where it is approacing the bridge. This train took a wicked turn I mean, I'm looking out the window and not even a railing was visible, Just the street some 40 feet below!

Ay mamcita, suddenly the ads plastered all over the walls of the train were of special interest to me (it was either that or closing my eyes). My thing is, when I go to an amusement park, and choose to go on a roller coaster ride, I know what I am signing up for, yes I have been on trains that go around bends before(i,e, the 6 train en route to Parkchester), but something about this no no.

So what did I learn from this. Don't book a seminar in the city so close to another engagement in Queens, that way you can avoid taking the W train! :-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A New Look for MSN

Literally one minute ago, I opened up explorer and saw the regular, "blue" themed MSN home page. I closed out, then came back on again ( I forgot to do something) only to be pleasantly surprised by the "new look of MSN's homepage.

I even notice a subtle update to the logo. I like the direction that it is going. Granted, I am a bit used to the blue and the white/greyish color is a bit drastic of a change, but I am loving the progress. I just hope that its not final. It's not quite "there" yet.

Change is good though, change is good.