Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever

And I'm not talking about Sister Souljah (sorry didn't read the book either). I'm talking about this mess of a winter that has been going around. I don't know about anyone else, but the time for singing "Let It Snow" was a two months ago, so please let me know who is still singing it! Well, I got caught, being lazy, who else to blame for this but myself.

So I was getting ready to leave the house, and my father said, "be careful out there" I responded, "is it raining" (keep in mind snow is not an option to me at this point), he said "yes."

I walk down the stairs, and come to the front door. I look down at my AirMax sneakers, then I look at my Rainboots. I look back at the sneakers, then I look again at the boots. "AirMax's" hee hee hee...yes, I sure saved some energy right there. Just slip on my sneakers, tuck the laces in and out the door. I mean what's a little rain right?


Here I was driving, then slowing, I noticed a little more, solidity in the rain...ok, just a little sleet, no biggie. No biggie that was until I got out of the car and "discovered" that sleet, plus sidewalks and AirMax sneakers don't go well together. Here I was taking baby steps all over campus from one building to the next while others zoomed past me with the fancy shmancy rainboots on. Tisk tisk tisk. A split second of laziness has caused me a day of babysteps.

Needless to mention, that as things may go, I am sitting in the computer lab starring out of the only window with the blinds open, to see that it has become quite the winter wonderland outside!

So yes, it is the coldest winter ever, but not in terms of temperature, instead in terms of spirit. This winter is simply mean, toying with emotions, and just being cold in an unwarranted way.

To think that someone right now is on a beach somewhere frolicking around in the water. Ahhh...dreams...

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