Friday, February 26, 2010

I Know Better!

It is 3:29am, New York Time....errr.. Eastern Time....yeah. Why oh, why am I still up!

I just can't fall asleep. Maybe I should force myself to sleep at this point because I have a long day tomorrow Lord willing. I mean I have back to back meetings at 10 and 11 am in the city, which means at least 1 hour travel time, so that puts me at leaving the house at 8:45am, not to mention that I have to get ready...we'll just say it takes me an hour ;-)

So the countdown begins. Counting a one hour travel time (and I'm being a bit of a miser with this time estimation), that puts me at 7:45am, and I'm not the type to hear an alarm and just pop out of bed, oh no no no...

So that means my 1st alarm is going off at like 6:30...then the second at 6:45, then the third at 7:00 then the last at 7:15, so by 7:30 I'll be about annoyed enough to roll over, only to be overcome by gratitude for the blessing of life for another day, then begin to say my morning prayers.

So there we have it...6:30 is the mark, so why oh why am I still up at...3:37am!
It's not like I just have the back to back meetings and then I'm free to be...oh no. I have to leave Lexington, and find my way to 34th & 9th, make a transaction at B&H, then go back to Queens (after stopping by and visiting my sister, I mean she works on the same block as B&H, it would not be sisterly of me to just not stop by).  So yes, back to Queens to pick up my car, tripod etc. then off to the Bronx, for choir rehearsal, then to do video recording at a Skills For Life Int. seminar, which is scheduled to end at around 10pm. To drive back home for the night. if it were a beautiful summer day I don't think I'd be much of a bellyacher, but NOOOOOOO... we had to have a sloppy snowfall today errr...yesterday, didn't we! That means a beautiful time for me, skating everywhere I need to go in the concrete jungle I live in. Heh, I'll tell you what though...this little miss right here is surely wearing those good ol' rainboots, yes siry Bob!

Ah, I digress a lot don't I...well back to the point at hand. It is now 3:45am, I start getting up at let me do some math...give me a hours and change...loose change at that. Good thing I'm writing today's blog now, but I need to get to bed.

Hugs and kisses and all the best wishes, until next time by God's grace, have a wonderful day!

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